SAF Approved

Blog Post | 14/03/2023

Relationship Managers Sam Peel and Phil Coates have been Specialist Automotive Finance (SAF) approved!


Having taken and passed the SAF exam, Sam, Phil and White Rose Finance are now qualified to provide advice and have committed to meeting the SAF standards and professionalism and competence.


What is SAF? (from

“SAF Approved provides certification to companies who have voluntarily put all of their customer facing staff, involved in the provision of motor finance information, successfully through the SAF Expert test. It is an initiative primarily designed for dealer groups and brokers to promote their expertise and credibility and give confidence to customers.”


Do you or your company have a vehicle finance requirement, please get in touch to discuss how we can help!

SAF Approved Logo

Sam Peel

Relationship Manager

Phil Coates

Relationship Manager

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